SUN Mobility to power 50K food delivery vehicles for Zomato

 New Delhi, 27 March, 2022 – SUN Mobility, the leading provider of energy infrastructure and services for electric vehicles (EVs), has entered into an association with Zomato, an online ordering and food delivery platform, to power 50k electric 2-wheelers (e-2Ws) across India over next 24 months using its state-of-the-art battery swap solutions for the last-mile deliveries. This association has been confirmed in Delhi with an initial fleet deployment.

Commenting on the association, Anant Badjatya, CEO, SUN Mobility, said “We at SUN Mobility strive to build a sustainable and environmentally friendly ecosystem and our association with Zomato is a significant step towards achieving that goal. By deploying 50k electric two-wheelers in Zomato’s fleet, we are reducing our carbon footprint by 5000 MT/month and contributing to a cleaner environment. We believe that this association will not only benefit the environment but also provide a better experience for delivery partners and the customers.”

Mohit Sardana, COO-Food Delivery at Zomato, added, “As we grow and create new gigs and opportunities in the last-mile delivery ecosystem, the environment must not bear the burden of this growth. Our associations in the past and now with SUN Mobility to swap batteries will accelerate the transition to EV-based deliveries, further helping us keep our promise of a sustainable Zomato for customers, delivery partners, employees and the planet."


The move is aligned with Zomato's commitment to “The Climate Group’s EV100 initiative that implies 100% EV adoption by 2030” and is also in line with SUN Mobility's mission to electrify last-mile deliveries in India. Through this association, the last-mile delivery partners onboarded on Zomato’s platform will benefit from convenient and cost-effective battery swapping solutions for their e-2Ws. The swappable battery technology will enable the last-mile delivery partners to easily and quickly swap their depleted batteries for fully charged ones at SUN Mobility Swap Points. This will reduce the downtime for recharging, increase the efficiency of the last-mile delivery operations and contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing emissions.


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